The general leader of DAESH Khawarij has been killed

Reliable sources have confirmed to AlMirsaad that the general leader of the DAESH-Khawarij, Abu Al-Hussein Al-Husseini Al-Quraishi, was killed in Syria last April.

The sources said that the DAESH’s general administration of the provinces officially informed the Daesh-Khawarij about the killing of Abu Hussain Al-Husseini and has asked them to collect allegiance from their fighters and supporters for the new leader.
These sources have also handed over the videos to Al-Mirsaad in which the Daesh-Khawarij appears to be pledging allegiance to the new alleged leader.

It is worth mentioning that Abu Al-Hussein was appointed as the general leader of the DAESH-Khawarij after that their predecessor leader Abu Al-Hassan Al-Hashimi Al-Quraishi, was killed on October 10th, 2022 in Jassim city , Syria.
The appointment of the Abu al-Hussein as a general leader was announced by the official spokesman of Daesh-Khawarij in November 2022.

Turkey claimed on the 30th of April of this year that they killed Abu Al-Hussein in an operation in the Syrian city of Jindires, but the ISIS have not officially said anything about it.

The delay in the announcement of the new leader and the confirmation of the death of the previous leader shows the lack of leadership in the DAESH-Khawarij and the conflicts among them.
The killing of four leaders of the Daesh in Syria shows that their group are filled with spies in this province,the foreign intelligence agencies have spreaded their agents in Daesh group and motivating them to do things in the name of Islam and Jihad that fulfill the short-term and long-term goals of the intelligence agencies.

In addition, due to the departure of high-ranking and powerful ISIS officials from the scene and the lack of communication with the center, most of the provinces of ISIS are now acting on their own,so these affairs have also confused some leaders of ISIS in the center, and they are trying to bring the administrative system back under the center.

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